1. To start off simple, have snacks and water available when you’re getting ready! It can be super easy to forget about this because of nerves, so having it within eyesight definitely helps.
2. Bring an extra pair of shoes to switch out of when it’s time to dance. Dancing with heels on leads to painful feet, having those comfy shoes to switch to is everything

3. Create a list of family members you want photographed during family photos that includes names, and who they are in relation to the bride and groom. This seriously speeds up the process.
4. Get someone who knows who everyone is and make it their job it is to gather family members when it’s time for family photos.

5. Make sure to dry off your bouquet before pictures or carrying it down the aisle so it doesn’t drip water all over your dress.
6. Schedule more time than you think you’ll need for hair and makeup. This is what usually takes the longest, but it’s so worth it!
7. Q-tips are great to have during emotional times (which, let’s face it, is sometimes most of the day) to be there to pick up your tears for minimal change to your makeup.

8. Bring a crochet hook to easily button up your dress. It saves your fingers so much pain.
9. Set aside 30 minutes just you two. It can be hard to get quality time between the two of you on your wedding day, and having the downtime to just recharge and be together can do wonders.

10. Finally, trust your vendors! They’re here to take care of you and make your wedding day amazing. Let them treat you to an amazing experience.