nerdy photography for the self proclaimed

renegades, weirdos & Misfits

Physically baed in snomish county washington | Mentall somwhere in subnautical

Ever had those epic moments where your eyes go all Niagara Falls? Or when laughter erupts and your head nearly hits the clouds? How about those bear hugs from your tribe that feel like they could power a spaceship? Yep, those are the moments I live for. And guess what? I'm here to capture them for you, freeze-framed in the magical world of photography! Let's turn those tearful escapes, joyous giggles, and warm embraces into timeless snapshots you'll cherish forever.

meet your nerdy photographer pal

When I'm behind the lens, the world falls silent around me. Photography has been a source of constant joy in my life, and now I find fulfillment in sharing that joy with others. Weddings hold a special place in my heart; there's something incredibly powerful about capturing the celebration of love. Having all your loved ones gathered in one place is a rare and precious moment, and immortalizing it through my lens is deeply meaningful to me.

Meet summer

My goal is to provide you with all the information you need, like...
  1. Are there dragons?
  2. Is there a bridge on fire we must cross together?
  3.  How much is this going to cost?
Join me to learn more about this epic quest investment!

Accept the quest

Quest cost & rewards

Now capturing 2024 + 2025 PNW Weddings

"Summer is so sweet and so kind and knows exactly the moments to capture that you wouldn't think to capture."

"We hired summer to do our wedding photography and, the photos bring tears to my eyes because they are so perfect and just capture the feelings through the photos!! Summer is so sweet and so kind and knows exactly the moments to capture that you wouldn't think to capture. I'm not getting married again but I would hire Summer in a heartbeat. 1000 out of 100"


In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, your decision to celebrate your union with such a bold and unconventional wedding speaks volumes about who you are as a couple. You've shown that love knows no bounds and that being true to yourselves is the ultimate act of defiance against the mundane.

Your wedding isn't just about exchanging vows; it's about embracing your inner warriors and princesses, standing side by side as equals ready to conquer whatever challenges life may throw your way. It's about honoring your past, present, and future, weaving together elements of history and fantasy to create a life that's uniquely yours.
Some may raise their eyebrows or question your choice, but let them. Because it's in the moments of authenticity and self-expression that true magic happens. And trust me when I say, your wedding is going to be nothing short of magical.

So, friend, as your photographer and fellow adventurer, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations. Thank you for considering me to be a part of your journey, for reminding us all that love comes in many forms, and for showing the world that being a little weird is what makes us truly belong. The only thing left to decide you accept the journey?

Whether you feel like a princess, Viking warrior, or a goblin...


Searching for the perfect photographer for your wedding day is a daunting task. We are there for it all–the big moments, the small ones, and everything in between. Once you've learned everything you need for this voyage, send me a message and share your vision with me.

Delight your eyeballs.

Send summer a message